Bob’s Red Mill, A True Sense of Community
Bob and Charlee Moore, owner’s of the very community-minded Bob’s Red Mill. Image Courtesy: Oregon State University
So much could be written about the stewardship that Bob and Charlee Moore, owners of Bob’s Red Mill, have bestowed upon the State of Oregon and surrounding regions. Generous to the core, including providing ownership to all employees that are lucky enough to work for this great producer of whole grain and related products, we’re taking some time today to celebrate one of the very best examples of community responsibility, care, and downright positive action on record. Furthermore, the dedication both Bob and Charlee have shown through their ongoing commitment to sustainability has been remarkable.
When greed seems to be the prevailing thread, companies like Bob’s Red Mill truly stand out. Just take a few moments to explore the links below that point to myriad positive efforts undertaken by the company. From a focus on using whole grains in cooking to promote health and wellness in children, pregnant women, and beyond to coupling with Oregon State University’s Extension Program to further research in the production and use of healthy foods (as well as healthy lifestyles), Bob’s Red Mill personifies community care. Way to go, Bob’s!
Moore Family Center for Whole Grain Foods, Nutrition and Preventive Health
Simply put, the mission of The Moore Family Center for Whole Grain Foods, Nutrition & Preventative Health is “dedicated to helping individuals and communities live healthier through healthy foods and good nutrition.” Explore this vital program further via the above link to learn about the center’s latest events, RFP opportunities, and more.
Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness
In a direct quote from the Bob’s Red Mill website, the Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness can be summed up as follows, “The Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness at Oregon Health & Science University is working to change the way we think about food and health. Founded in 2012 with a generous gift from Bob and Charlee Moore, the OHSU Moore Institute is committed to reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases across the lifespan in current and future generations by promoting healthy, nutrient-rich diets based on whole foods – before conception, during pregnancy and lactation, and in infancy and early childhood.” Explore this important institute further via the link above.
Food as Medicine Institute
I simply love the name of this institute. “Food as medicine” makes so much sense. What we put in our bodies, traditional medicine or not, affects us. And eating healthy, whole foods is most certainly the right path for your body. With support (ongoing) from Bob’s Red Mill, the Food as Medicine Institute (FAMI) was created to provide nutritional education to needy families. Led by Drs. Julie Briley and Courtney Jackson, naturopathic doctors in Portland, Oregon, this institute, is doing very important work. Read more about FAMI at this link…and thank you again to Bob’s Red Mill!
A Commitment to Sustainability
Bob’s Red Mill sources locally, helping both the environment and local businesses at the same time. An inspiring leader in carbon footprint reduction, the company’s choice of using US-made, BPA-free packaging for its products has also paid off. The creation of right-sized and resealable packaging by Bob’s is also serving to reduce material needs and cut food waste. Naturally, Bob’s Red Mill has further been a strong participant in supporting Oregon’s Recycling Modernization Act. Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg. Read more about the journey Bob’s Red Mill has been on in creating and meeting its sustainability goals.
Read more about Bob’s Red Mill’s excellent community outreach on their summary page here.