Flexible Food Packaging...A Fast-growing Choice


Predicted to reach 800 billion pack units (globally) by the close of the decade, flexible food packaging is a fast-growing choice across several food (and pet food) product categories. According to Canadean, which bills itself as a "A unique combination of services in order to provide exhaustive insight into the Consumer Markets industries," flexible food packaging is quickly outpacing other food packaging options. Canadean states in an August 2015 article:[su_quote]This means flexible packaging is set to expand its share in the food packaging market even further, reaching 53.1% in the next three years. While glass, metal and paper packaging are slowly falling out of fashion, innovative flexible packaging such as pouches is becoming more popular.[/su_quote]Re-sealable, safer, maximizing shelf space...stand-up pouches are becoming an ever more frequent choice by leading food brands. Image Courtesy: portco.com Indeed, as a premiere producer of flexible food packaging products, we are seeing this growth realized. Consumers and brands alike are enjoying the safety, freshness, reusability and portability of this kind of packaging, especially in the form of stand-up pouches.Check out the full article from Canadean here, which goes into greater depth over this trend.


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