PACK Expo 2017 in Las Vegas


Each year management from Portco Packaging heads to Vegas to attend PACK Expo 2017, one of several conventions that offer exposure to new, cutting technologies in the consumer and industrial packaging industries. This year is no exception with a solid group set to attend this great event scheduled for September 25-27. And while Portco won't be exhibiting, they will be there in force to absorb all that is new and potentially beneficial to its customers. After all, and as quoted by Portco's CEO Kent Wall, "The only constant is change." Well, Portco will be there to both affirm its present path and to learn about new trends it may take advantage of in the future. Here is an overview of the show courtesy of 

Who Attends and Who Exhibits?

Per the PACK Expo website, they note the note the following about both who attends and who exhibits at this event:Who Attends: [su_quote]Attendees include corporate, general, plant and project managers; engineers; production supervisors; those involved in operations and quality control; purchasers; package designers, brand managers and marketers; and logistics and supply chain management professionals from all vertical industries.[/su_quote]Who Exhibits: [su_quote]More than 2,000 top-tier suppliers of advanced packaging equipment, materials, containers, automation technologies and other supply chain innovators will exhibit at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Healthcare Packaging EXPO 2017.[/su_quote]

Navigating the Show

Here's a great video, again from, that will help you navigate the show to get the most out of it: Video Courtesy: 

Educational Highlights

Looking to learn as much as you can at the show? See this video to get the scoop on the myriad educational opportunities that will be present: Video Courtesy: 

Mobile App Tutorial

PACK Expo is a big show with over 30,000 attendees and a multitude of exhibits. Watch this tutorial on how to use the show's mobile app to get the most out of it: Video Courtesy: 


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